
Showing posts from June, 2016


Everywhere you go, you hear people talking about money. At one particular conference, I heard a group discussing how "money isn't everything" and "money doesn't make you happy." After noticing their poor thoughts, I knew that this was clearly the conversation to avoid. Many people proudly preach their philosophies about money. Unfortunately, I find that they are seriously miseducated about personal finances. However, when it comes to having money, there's a certain way of thinking about it. Let's Dive Deeper Into The 10 Phrases Every Millionaire Should Avoid: 1. 'I work hard for my money': The majority of people think that they must "work hard" for their money. This forces them to grind, even when it's completely unnecessary. You don't have to work hard for money, but you must let money work for you. Money is never hard to come by if you can attract it. Instead, say this: Money easily comes to me from all direct

Key Steps to Take Before Buying a House in Lagos.

Lagos is a metropolitan city that attracts a lot of visitors and tourists. Many times, these visitors are so taken in by the beauty and charisma of the city that they relocate to live in the city for a while or even permanently. Most migrants, who come to Lagos, over time, realize that it is a better bet to buy a house or build one in the city than to keep paying rent. Aside from being a cheaper option, buying a house gives a sense of stability and security. While purchasing a house in the city is one of the biggest and most daunting purchases a person ever makes, there are certain steps that could be taken to ensure the process is seamless and the purchase, rewarding. Bokima Cyril Homes Ltd (BCHL-Lagos) Africa’s No.1 online Real Estates & Automobiles Procurements & Sales Services Company in Lagos proffers key steps to take before buying a house here in Lagos. HAVE A BUDGET: A majority of prospective property buyers in Lagos make the mistake of not having a budget

The Strength Of An Eagle

This is a story we are sure would change your approach towards life: The Eagle has the longest life-span of its species. It can live up to 70 years. But to reach this age, the eagle must make a very difficult decision! In its 40th year, the eagle's long and flexible Talons can no longer grab a prey which serves as food. Its long and sharp beak becomes bent. Its old-aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, stick to its chest and make it difficult to fly. Then, the eagle is left with only two options: DIE or go through a painful process of CHANGE! This process lasts for 150 days (5 months) the process requires the eagle to fly to a mountain top and sit on its nest. There the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it plucks it out. Then the eagle will wait for the new beak to grow back after which it will pluck out its talons. When its talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its old aged feathers. And after this the eagle takes its famous flig

Tenancy Rights & Rental Agreements In Lagos

It's a known fact that most people are not learned in terms of their legal rights as regards to tenancy, this has given some landlords (rent collectors) the onus to sometimes act in a reckless and unlawful way towards their tenants without any fear of percussion. You can only strive to defend your right only when you yourself already know them. These Are Some Unlawful Acts Often Perpetrated By Landlords Towards Their Ignorant Tenants: 1. INADEQUATE EVICTION: Locking out tenants, throwing them or their properties out or assaulting them for their inability to pay rent as at when due. Only the court can order and carry out the eviction of tenants, it's a legal wrong for a landlord or a rent lawyer to in anyway evict a tenant without an adequate court process. A tenant when unable to pay rent as at when due, is still a lawful tenant and must be treated with respect. A tenant who is inadequately evicted due to inability to pay rent ,has a legal right to sue the landlord f

Tips To Prevent Car Break-Ins

Each year, NGN1.255 billion in personal items and accessories are stolen from vehicles in about 1.1 million thefts; and for every theft, experts estimate, there are several break-ins and attempted break-ins. With these common sense habits and preventative measures, we believe you can greatly reduce the chances of your vehicle becoming a target. LOCK ALL DOORS: While this piece of advice should be a no-brainer, up to a quarter of vehicle thefts are from unlocked cars, according to some law enforcement agencies. Even if you're running into the store for a Coke, that's too long to leave your vehicle's contents open for the taking. Simply locking the doors will deter those who might just be waiting around for an easy target. KEEP INTERIOR TIDY: Almost any worthless personal item that's visible from the outside.. even an empty shopping bag could be seen as a valuable or a carrier of valuables. If you have a wagon or SUV that leaves your cargo area