
Showing posts from June, 2017

9-Red Flags To Identify Fake Property Lawyers.

1. A lawyer who tells you about a property for sale without having a proper power of attorney from the direct owner should be avoided like a plague. It is your duty to ask him/her to show you the power of attorney to sell that property and if he refuses and starts lots of story telling, leave asap. 2. A lawyer who says he/she is an affilated to the direct agency (Not direct owner ) of the property and does not have any offer letter in writing from the said agency in person or through their company is just trying to play tricks with you because he/she is only after commission for "finder's fee". Ask if they have the offer letter signed by the direct agency & if they refuse, know what their game plan is. 3. A lawyer that takes you for inspection to a property and is just as puzzled as you when you discover either the land is defective in some way or some amenities in such property is not as advertised to you, really that's not the kind of lawyer you sho

7-Things You'll Never Catch The Truly Rich Doing..

Our habits tend to define who we are. If you make it a point to drive recklessly every day, nobody will be surprised when you eventually get into a traffic accident. This seems obvious to us. Yet the financial equivalent of this principle, tolerating bad monetary habits on a regular basis until you're driven into poverty, seems less obvious. For the most part, the richest people in the world didn't get to their position overnight. They didn't stumble into money, and it wasn't given to them as a gift. They accumulated it, and continue to maintain it, as a direct result of their daily habits and their underlying philosophies. These are seven things you'll never catch the world's richest people doing: 1. Playing the lottery. The lottery comes with a bold promise: a chance to win more money than you'd ever know what to do with. But the odds of winning are astronomically low, and logically, you have a far better chance of creating your own wea

7-Ways The Rich Think Differently.

I’m sure you'll agree that people are about the same at their core. Most of us care deeply about our family. We all want to be happy, healthy and safe. That’s the case no matter how much money you have stuffed inside your bank account. But wealthy people do think differently. It’s unmistakable and undeniable. I have worked with the very-rich and not-so-rich for years and I’ve seen how the well-heeled ruminate in their own way and how that variation makes and keeps them rich. The good news is that anyone can copy “rich think” and come out much better on the other side. So how do rich people think? 1. Rich people know they don’t know everything: People who make a lot of money and hold on to it realize they don’t have all the answers. As a result, they are always on the lookout for new and better ways to do things. They surround themselves with people who offer different approaches. They have mentors and accountability partners. They are willing to consider ideas that

When Buying Or Renting Properties In Lagos.

We have gone through most requests of intending clients as regards lease of certain accommodation spaces and properties listed and we found out that prospective tenants or future property owners are not being adequately advised on steps to take.. Below are a few advices that might help WHEN RENTING A PROPERTY: a. Whenever you say "i am looking for a property to rent around lekki, ikeja, v.i etc, first you must know that these areas are choice areas that attract high tenancy rates because they have low density areas & amenities so it would be baffling to hear someone saying "our budget is between N700,000 to N850,000 per annum". What they would likely get for that price would not be more than a one bedroom boys quarters with toilet and bathroom together (if any) and the size of it all might not be more than 8 by 12 at most. Also, whenever for instance an agency tells you that a rent is N600,000 per annum, you must always factor in the prevailing fees that foll